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Free 24/7 Funeral Advice & Support Line 1800 100 411

For many who have experienced the death of a Father, Father’s day can be a difficult time. But it can also be a precious time of remembrance, reflections, celebration of the unique man Dad was. Below are some suggestions to remember your Dad on Father’s Day.
1. As a family, share Dad’s favorite meal together in honour of his memory.
2. Remember him with stories and bring out the old photo albums
3. Go to Dad’s favorite restaurant, fish and chips at his “secret” fishing spot or picnic at his favorite park
4. Celebrate his pastimes eg. go bowling, play golf, take the boat out or sit back and watch his all time favorite movie.
5. Light a memorial candle
6. Plant a memorial tree
7. Visit the graveside or memorial site to spend time in reflection
8. Write a card

May your Father’s Day be filled with those special memories that death can not take from you.

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