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When I Come to the End

When I Come to the End

When I Come to The End
When I come to the end of my journey
and I travel my last weary mile,
just forget, if you can, that I ever frowned
and remember only the smile.
Forget unkind words I have spoken;
remember some good I have done.
Forget that I’ve stumbled and blundered
and sometimes fell by the way.
Remember I have fought some hard battles
and won, ere the close of the day.
Then forget to grieve for my going;
I would not have you sad for a day,
but in summer just gather some flowers
and remember the place where I lay,
and come in the shade of the evening
when the sun paints the sky in the west.
Stand for a few moments beside me
and remember only my best.
Author: Mrs. Lyman Hancock

Funeral Poem When I Come To The End

The use of poetry like the funeral poem When I Come to the End, in a funeral service or a memorial service is significant. A funeral poem can bring comfort and solace in time of sorrow and grief. A funeral poem can also bring remembrance of the emotions experience while the person was living. Poems bring memories of joys shared, love embraced and time spent together. A funeral poem is a way of expressing your love for the person who has passed on into eternity.
Swanborough Funerals trust that the following pages give you opportunity to celebrate your loved one and all that they were are will always be to you.
Do not hesitate to contact Swanborough Funerals on 1800 100 411 if we can be of any assistance to you. Or jot us an “EMAIL” View our full selection of FUNERAL POEMS AND READINGS

When I Come to the End