Colleen, your courageous battle has inspired us all. You were blessed to be surrounded by loving family and friends who cherished you deeply and wished only the best for you. Now, you are free from pain and shining brightly as our guardian angel. Go dance with Elvis forever, beautiful soul! We will miss you dearly xx Reply
On behalf of all the members of the Aussie Trike Riders Group this is a sad day, She will be remembered as Queen of Triking, A great lose to the triking community, condolences to her Family from all of us. Reply
Colleen was a very caring and wounderful woman. Her friendship to me was so touching and I will miss her dearly. Sending my condolences to all the family. Reply
We in the triking community were all very sad to hear of Colleen’s passing. Truly “free on three” now. Sincere condolences to her family and other loved ones. Reply