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Free 24/7 Funeral Advice & Support Line 1800 100 411

In Loving Memory Of Amrey Commins

Celebrating the life of Amrey Commins. Amrey passed away peacefully surrounded by family on 20th August 2020 aged 81 years.

Loving wife of Peter. Treasured mother and mother in law of Angus and Danielle, Emma and Curt, Jessica and Christopher. Adored Grandmother “Ami” of Lily, Claudia, Jasper, Freya and Molly.

Relatives and friends are invited to celebrate Amrey’s life at

Centenary Memorial Gardens, Wacol Station Rd, Sumner

On Wednesday 26th August 20202 commencing at 1pm.

In lieu of flowers donations to

Karuna Hospice

Please register your name, email & phone number, to attend Amrey’s service. You will also need to list any attendees coming with you. We are required to keep a register of attendees and there is a limited number permitted Due to COVID restrictions.


If you are unable to attend the service you are welcome to join the family via the Centenary Memorial Gardens live streaming portal. To view the service online you will be required to use the following pin to log in: 6481. Please note, the Livestream will only be accessible when the service commences. If you are unable to watch during this time, the recording will be uploaded to the same link within 1-2 hours after the service has finished, for you to view at any time. The recommended search engine to use is google chrome. We will also be streaming live to Amrey’s Facebook group. Here you will be able to interact and leave condolence messages for Amrey’s family to see at a later date.

Facebook Livestream Link

Centenary Memorial Livestream Portal

Please feel free to leave messages in comments below.

Swanborough Funerals – 1800 100 411


  1. It is with regret that due to the circumstances surrounding Covid, and the restriction of attendees I will not be attending the funeral of Amrey Commins on Wednesday.
    I do wish to attend the livestream.

  2. Hi Commins Family
    I love Ammy and always will. She was a bright light for me as a child and a great friend with my Mum. Her breadth of understanding difference was compassionate and inspired. I’m sending you all my love and big hugs
    Xx Sass

  3. We’re struggling to believe that the wonderful Amrey is no longer with us.
    We’ll be very sad not to be there with her friends and family. Out of an abundance of caution and the deepest respect for Peter and the family,
    we will not attend tomorrow; we would like to attend the livestream.

    Out of an abundance of caution and deepest respect for Peter and the family, we will not attend tomorrow.
    We would like to attend the live stream.

  4. We will be thinking of you Peter and your family tomorrow and remembering all the fun times we had together at Forster. We want to livestream the celebration service sending our love Verelle and Peter xx

  5. To Peter and Family,
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you all during this time of sadness and especially during these difficult times we’re presently facing.
    We will be with you tomorrow, not in person, but from just across the street from your home in Noosa Springs where we had the pleasure of enjoying many happy times with Amrey and the family.
    Rob and Karin xx
    ‘Ich weiss nicht, was soll es bedeuten, / dass ich so traurig bin, / ein Märchen aus alten Zeiten, das kommt mir nicht aus dem Sinn.’!

  6. Dearest Commins Family,
    From the Lake of Geneva (she and Peter visited us) over the oceans, we assure you of our heartfelt sympathy.
    And the days we spent in their home are simply unforgettable.
    Amrey died peacefully, may this thought confort you.
    A kiss and a huggle
    (Aunt Trudi was my godmother)

  7. To Peter and Family
    Our thoughts will be with you today as we sit in our home, so often shared with Amrey. It was only in February as we sat Noosa poolside that Amrey asked me to take in some retail therapy with her in Brisbane. Many memories will always remain of our happy times, her smile, her determination and instructions to ‘always put your anthirium plants out in the rain, it’s so good for them’.
    And so we shall Amrey and always think of you. Rest peacefully, knowing you will always be so fondly remembered.
    Kay and Cliff

  8. Amrey was a special friend – intelligent and an original thinker. Her European background was reflected in her values and lifestyle which we admired together with her strong relationship with her extended family.

    We enjoyed Amrey’s friendship and we will miss her.

  9. It cut to my heart when I heard about the loss that you have experienced. Words cannot express my condolences. I am thinking of you especially today when you are together and saying a final farewell to lovely Amrey. I feel honored to have met her. She was a gift to the world, so loving/caring and full of joy and she will always remain alive and with you in your memories. Sending big hugs from afar, though very close at heart with you today during these tough times. anja

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