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Free 24/7 Funeral Advice & Support Line 1800 100 411

In Loving Memory Of Anna Greenham

Anna Greenham passed away peacefully at home on 4th April 2020 aged 51 Years.

Loving wife of Peter. Loving mother of Costa and George. Treasured daughter of Constantinos (deceased) and Georgina. Cherished sister of Dimitra, Aristoula and their famlies.

A private family service will be held for Anna on Tuesday 14th April 2020 commencing at 11am.

You are welcome to join the family and watch online via a private facebook group. The service will be liestreamed. You are welcome to light a candle during the service or place messages, photos or videos. Anna’s family would appreciate your messages.

Click here to request to join facebook livestream.

Please feel free to leave condoelnce messages in comments below.

Swanborough Funerals – 1800 100 411


  1. Our prayers & condolences go to you Peter, your sons & extended families of the loss of Anna. May the peace of the Lord be with you at this time. Love Rob & Judy Alder – Sheffield Tasmania????

  2. Anna we are so very sad to hear of your Passing such a very sad day . You were such a beautiful
    Loving caring person inside and out .
    Such a beautiful smile .
    We will forever remember you
    You Supported everybody even when you were battling your own battles.
    Such a Brave and Strong Lady
    May you Rest In Peace Beautiful Lady .
    With love to your family from ours
    Arthur and Maria Nolland

  3. Dear Peter Costa and George my heart felt condolences to you The sadness and grief is immeasurable and words are are not enough may your dearest wife and mom Rest In Peace sydney

  4. Bless you Anna and watch over your family from above. I will remember you forever. My heart goes out to your family, Peter, Costa and George.

  5. To Peter Costa and George
    My deepest sympathy goes to peter and the boys for the loss of your wife and mum we miss you so much Rest In Peace your auntie georgina hastas

  6. To Peter costa and George our condolences go for the lost of your wife and mother we miss her so much and her
    Laughs and the time we spend together we miss you so much your
    Cousin andrew and analyn hastas

    1. To Peter Costa George,
      Our codolences to you all for the loss of your Beautiful wife and mother Anna. Thinking of you all at this sad time . Love From cousins , From Brisbane
      Esther, George ,Angelica , Yianni.

    2. To Peter Costa George,
      Our codolences to you all for the loss of your Beautiful wife and mother Anna. Thinking of you all at this sad time . Love From cousins ,From Brisbane
      Esther, George ,Angelica , Yianni.

  7. To peter , costa and George a beautiful angle has left us but she left a piece of herself behind her beautiful boys as long as there alive Anna still lives. Anna will came to you all in your dreams. Many condolences to her husband and two boys . Beth and family

  8. Thinking of you and the whole family in this tragic time. Wishing you all the comfort and peace in such tough times. May all the sweet memories give you the strength to have this time pass. Love Uncle Greg, Angela, Adrianna and Daniella xx

  9. Pete, Costa and George, my thoughts are with you today and in the months to come. My condolences and strength from us to you all.
    Lotsa love, Kym-Maree, Meg and Michael.

  10. Aunty Georgina, Peter and family,
    It’s impossible to express how sorry we are that Anna has passed away after her battle. May you find comfort and the strength to cope in these testing times
    With love, Harry and Doreen Hastas and family

  11. To Peter Costa and George. Tuesday will be the hardest day for you All. Remember to smile for the good times cry for the bad times ask for help when life just gets to hard Anna would be happy knowing you all did everything you could and more stay strong stay healthy sorry for your loss

  12. Anna you were an amazing person and we will always remember you as the loving person you are, My heart goes out to you boys Peter, George and costa love Max Sam dean and Sasha

  13. To Peter Costa & George our deepest sympathy goes out to you all for the loss of your beautiful mother & wife ????Anna ????. May she Rest In Peace. Thinking of you at this sad time. ???????????????? ???????? ✝️

  14. Γεωργία Δήμητρα Αριστέα τα θερμά σηληπιτιρια για την αγαπημένη σας κόρη και αδελφή ???? Άννα ???? με πολλη αγάπη από την οικογένειες μας Ιγνατ Μαρία Στρατιά Καλαιτζη . Ζοι σε σας ✝️????????????????✝️????????????????????????????????????

  15. Beautiful Anna, I met you at school with our boys who have become the best of mates. You will be sadly missed, but remembered for your beautiful smile and friendly nature. You cared for everyone. I’m sure you watch over them from above. Peter, Costa and George my heart goes out to you on this hardest of days x

  16. Αγαπητοί Γεωργία, Δήμητρα και Αριστούλα. Τα εγκάρδια συλλυπητήρια μας για το χαμό της αγαπημένης σας κόρης και αδερφής. Ο Θεός να σας δίνει κουράγιο και δύναμη σε αυτή την δύσκολη στιγμή τη ζωής σας. Να’στε καλά να την θυμόσαστε. Ο Θεός να την αναπαύσει. Με αγάπη από τα ξαδέρφια σας Γιώργο, Εστα, Ευαγγελία και Γιάννη.

  17. To Georgina and Family
    Sorry for your loss of your
    daughter Anna May she Rest In Peace
    Zoi sei sass ✝️
    From George &Sophie Grigoras and Family

  18. To Peter Kosta & George our deepest heartfelt sympathy goes out to you and the boys for the loss of your lovely wife & caring mother ????Anna ????. She can now Rest In Peace. Thinking of you all at this sad time.

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