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Free 24/7 Funeral Advice & Support Line 1800 100 411

In Loving Memory Of Caterina Ida Frendo

Our precious daughter Caterina Ida Frendo born sleeping on 11th April 2020. Now resting in the loving arms of our Lord Jesus.

Much loved and treasured daughter of Paul Frendo and Bianca Prestigiacomo.

Adored grandaughter of Vince & Natasha Prestigiacomo, Joseph Frendo & Sandra Nash and Michelle Wierzbicki.

Treasured neice of Anton, Alix, Jacob, Jasmine, Kirsten and Norman.

Caterina’s family will gather on Thursday 16th April 2020 at 4pm to remember their little angel.

Caterina’s funeral service will be livestreamed via a private facebook group.

You are welcome to join the family and watch online via a private facebook group. The service will be livestreamed. You may wish to join the family in lighting a candle at the beginning of Caterina’s service. Let Caterina’s family know you are with them by sending messages on the livestream, placing symbols or photos.

Click here to request to join facebook livestream.

Click here to download Caterina’s order of service booklet

Please feel free to leave condolence messages in comments below.

Swanborough Funerals – 1800 100 411


  1. Pj ,Bianca ,little caterina I have no words only I’m so sorry my heart is breaking for you all little caterina you are our little angel baby????????????????????????????????

  2. Thoughts are with you both at this very sad time. Condolences to yourselves and family. Caterina is absolutely divine. Love to you both xo

  3. Little Caterina.. ????????
    Even though we never touched you held you kissed and cuddled you. You have touched our hearts forever..
    May you shine brightly above…
    Love Poppy Joe & Nanny Sandra.

  4. Dear Paul,Bianca,we are so very sorry for your loss of your beautiful baby Caterina.She will always be in our hearts forever. God’s precious angel, Nan and Pop ????????????????

  5. Paul and Bianca. Our prayers are with you. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl. So sorry for your loss, heaven has gained a perfect angel xxxxxx

  6. My beautiful granddaughter caterina
    Nanny loves you sweet girl

    Thinking of my son & Bianca tomorrow
    Lots of love xx

  7. Paul and Bianca, my heart is breaking for you at the loss of your precious baby girl. No words can take away your grief but you now have an angel watching over you who will be with you always. Sending all my love and hugs your way.
    Dani xx

  8. Your little angel ???? my heart just broke into a million pieces and in this cruel cruel world we are in at the moment, I just don’t know what to say except that my heart will fix for you both, you are strong and beautiful and I know the feeling you are all going through. Mummy and daddy, your little girl will be right there with you every day xxxxx

  9. Thinking of you guys today.
    your precious baby girl is always watching over yous
    Lots of love your big sis & john xxx
    Caterina ida frendo fly high baby girl

  10. Bianca & Pauly I imagine there is no pain deeper than losing your baby Caterina and the depth of love you have for her will never fade.
    Words seem so inadequate as I know nothing we can say can make it better, and I can’t even begin to imagine what your going through, but please know, even before she was due to be born, she was loved by everyone. Caterina will always be in our hearts and our memories.
    We are thinking of you constantly and send heartfelt prayers that you may find the strength you need to get through each day and that in time you will find peace and comfort. Sending so much Love Aunty Alicia & Uncle Alan

  11. Bianca & Pauly,

    Words, actions and thoughts for you will never feel enough at this point in time. We are so sorry to hear the news. Caterina will always be in our hearts, she was blessed beyond words to have parents like you both. We are so proud of how well you have handled this pregnancy and taking on the role of being parents. Your little girl will be in your hearts everyday and will be looking down on your as your little guardian angel. She is so special!

    Sending you all the love and strength!

    Alby, Gemma, Emily & Cooper

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