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Free 24/7 Funeral Advice & Support Line 1800 100 411

Digital Memorial Site


Swanborough Funerals continue to look for effective and meaningful ways to care for the needs of our families.

Swanborough Funerals now offer a fully interactive digital memorial site. This is a beautiful way to preserve the memory of your loved one. This is a complimentary service provided to the families Swanborough Funerals care for.

Once, the only option to notify family, friends and acquaintances was through the use of a death notice, family notice or funeral notice in the newspaper. This was often a costly and not necessarily effective option. Now that we have entered the digital age, families are able to reach a far wider community through the use of our digital memorial site known as eTributes.

The funeral service is published on the digital memorial site eTributes along with details and direction to the service. Loved ones can send flowers or donations to the charity of choice can be placed on the page.

After the service the printable service sheet can be posted onto the memorial page. This is an interactive tribute where loved ones can view videos and photos, read up on eulogies and memories or download the recording of the funeral service. Love ones can post tributes, through the written word, audio recording or video recording, light a memorial candle, send a message or a tribute photo. On special remembrance dates like birthdays, anniversaries or Christmas they can place a special tribute or light a candle.

You have the option to share the E-tribute page on your facebook or the facebook page of the deceased can be linked to the E-tribute site. Other social media links to E-tributes include Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram or Google+

The eTributes page has a beautifully presented Memory Timeline which contains all the content posted to an individual’s eTribute in chronological order, whilst also allowing visitors to post photos or video directly onto the timeline. Symbols of love that can be posted include flowers, candles, sports, hobbies and more in memory of a loved one.

Why not visit our eTributes page. Sample of digital memorial site.


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