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Free 24/7 Funeral Advice & Support Line 1800 100 411

In Loving Memory Of Nellie Carroll Geldard (Nell)

In Loving Memory of Nellie Carroll Geldard (Nell).

Nellie passed away peacefully on 11th October 2024 aged 91 years.
Loving wife of Eric (deceased). Loving mother of Lloyd, Matthew, Richard, Warren and their families. Adored Nana and great Nana.

Relatives and friends are invited to celebrate the life of Nellie at a service to be held at
Swanborough Funerals Chapel, 10/59 Eastern Road, Browns Plains
On Monday 21st October 2024 commencing at 4pm.

Livestream link

1 Comment

  1. I subsequently went ‘on-line’ (on wednesday 23rd Oct 2024) and listened to this funeral service, as the stream was still accessible, indeed my recollection is that it will be visible for one month. Meanwhile I have also downloaded this service as an mp4 file.
    To my very great surprise, upon viewing my demeanor, I thought that I was walking and standing like ‘an old man’ !
    I delivered the euology. I made no attempt to use the microphone. I thought that I had spoken loud enough for eveyone to hear and I probably did but electronic recording is not as sensitive as the human ear. Nevertheless I think I should have spoken louder or the sound recorder/ microphone perhaps could have been turned up if it was known that I was not going to use the microphone. People listening on-line should turn up the volume.
    The actual service begins after about 30 minutes at 4pm. I pepared some notes about what to say. I didnt say all that I ahd intended and yet included other things. I wanted to say more about some of our neighbours who Nell held in High regard such as the Monkley’s/Nolans as well as Ron and June Nayda’s children and one in particular who both Nell and Eric held in high regard. I had also intended to say (though after I had prepared some notes) that it is ordinary families like Nell and Erics who have built this nation, not the politicans nor the Generals but I forgot. I also lost my train of thought as I had wanted to say something about my cousins from among Nell’s sisters but was distracted by my own thoughts

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