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Free 24/7 Funeral Advice & Support Line 1800 100 411

In Loving Memory Of Samira Abed El Sayed Rizk

Samira passed away peacefully on Monday 6th April 2020.

Samira Abdel-Sayed The beloved mother of Dr Sam(Usama) Khalil , Dr Akram Khalil Mrs Amani Khalil. The Mother in Law of Dalia Khalil, Gihan Khalil and Saher Tadros

The Grandmother of Dr David, Daniel and Monica , Stephanie and Emmanuel Khalil and Mina and Andrew Mikhaiel and aunt of Dr. Ekram, Makram, Sohair and Mamdouh Khalil.

A private family service will be held on Wednesday 8th April 2020 commencing at 10.30am.

You are welcome to join the family and watch online via a private facebook group. The service will be livestreamed. You are welcome to light a candle during the service or place messages, photos or videos. Samira’s family woud appreciate your messages.

Click here to request to join facebook livestream.

Please feel free to leave condolence messages below.

Swanborough Funerals – 1800 100 411


  1. My deep condolences dear Usama and Akram for your great loss .may God repose her soul in the paradise of joy

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