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Free 24/7 Funeral Advice & Support Line 1800 100 411

In Loving Memory Of Winifred Oostenbroek (Win)

In Loving Memory of Winifred Oostenbroek (Win).
Win passed away peacefully on 23rd December 2024, aged 90 years.
Loving wife of Willem Tommy (Tom).
Loving mother of Justin, Brian, Andrew, Greg and their families.
Cherished Oma of 10 and Great Grandmother of 9.

Family and friends are invited to celebrate Win’s life at:
Acacia Ridge Presbyterian Church, 372 Mortimer Road, Acacia Ridge
On Monday 6th January 2025 commencing at 11 am.


Upon completion of the service you are invited to join Win’s family for refreshments in the church hall.


  1. We will be attending the funeral to honor Win who we have know for many years and always found her a very pleasant and most lovely person

  2. Win was one of the most amazingly creative people I’ve ever met. I remember sitting with her as showed me the cake album with all the cakes she made over the years! And her cards were second to none with each delicate sticker being meticulously placed to make a beautiful design with sometimes the tip of a pin!
    Her grandkids would show me with adoration the cards they had received over the years from their Oma.
    You will be missed 🙁

  3. How you will miss her. We last saw each other in 2017. Brian prepared a sand crab for her. How she enjoyed it. Those are my last memories of my dear Tante Win. She was there for everyone.

  4. Dear all,
    Just watched the beautiful farewell service for Aunt Win. I remember the delicious meals she cooked long ago in 1977. And also her sweet nature. She had a special place in my mom and dad’s hearts.
    Wish you all a lot of strength in this difficult time.
    Lots of love, Nanda and family

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